Alerts: When changing the content of the alert, press "Update" after you're done. Otherwise, turning it on and off is as simple as clicking the On/Off button, and that's it!
Pastor's Corner/Little Blessings News: Go to "Posts" on the menu to the left, then "Add New". Fill out your title and post content, and simply choose which category the post should go in (Categories box located under the "Publish" button when making a new post)
Little Blessings Calendar: Go to "LitBless Calendar" on the menu to the left, then "Add New". Fill out the title of the calendar and then click on the "Select File" and upload the calendar from your computer. Once the upload is complete, a new area comes up containing the information about your recent upload. Scroll to the bottom of that window and click on "Insert into Post" and then you're ready to hit "Publish"!
Events: Same format as creating posts. Just go to "Events" on your admin menu, then "Add New" and fill out your event information. If this is a recurring event, do not use the "Event End Time" to set the cutoff date. "Event End Time" is referring to the end time of a single event, e.g. Event Start Time: Sept 20th, 2015, 5p... Event End Time: Sept 20th, 2015, 7p... To make it a recurring event, use the Event Recurrence box while creating a new event.