Congregational Care is about connecting, caring, comforting, and community. Our family of believers does best when we come together to care for each other…through prayer, a ride, a meal, a visit, a conversation. Among the many things we do: we get meals to members during a time of need, we organize rides to essential appointments, we reach out via phone or mail to check in, we send cards on special birthdays and anniversaries, we send condolence cards, we serve communion at Covenant Living, we deliver flowers to shut-ins, we bake for special events, we organize and host funeral service receptions, and of course, we pray for the needs of our church family and community. We make efforts to ensure people are connected with the resources they need. If you have an interest in being part of the community of caring, or if you have a need, click here to contact Pastor Diane.
Care Ministries
Stephen Ministry is an important part of our Care ministries at Bethany. Stephen Ministers go through extensive training to provide help in times of grief, loss, life crisis and life transitions. Everything is done on a confidential one-on-one basis.
For more information contact Pastor Diane.

Mending the Soul (MTS) is a biblically-based program designed to help those who’ve experienced trauma as a result of past abuse. You’ll use a text book and accompanying workbook in a weekly small group setting: groups of 3-4 participants and a MTS Facilitator. Experience the restorative nature of this exploration in a safe confidential setting. Groups can meet in-person at Bethany Covenant Church or virtually using your computer or smartphone.
To discuss eligibility, email Holly Weiss.
More information about MTS is available at