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Giving at Bethany

At Bethany, we believe that giving is an act of worship. All belongs to God, who gives to us freely and generously. Giving our tithes and offerings help us to practice generosity; in doing so, we invest in what God is doing in and through the local Church, both here in Central Connecticut and beyond, to the whole world.

How to Give

Please note: You can give to Bethany via to TWO different accounts. The first is the “general operating budget” which takes care of almost everything we do –  ministry budgets, utilities, donating to missionaries, salaries, equipment, and much more. The second is “Missions Intergenerational” and this is currently being used as a place to fund our Ecuador mission team for the summer of 2025. Please make sure you choose the appropriate account for your contribution. Thank you for your generosity in partnering with us!

Contributions can also be given in person on Sunday mornings and throughout the week at our church office, or may be sent in by mail to:

Bethany Covenant Church
785 Mill St.
Berlin, CT 06037

What does Bethany believe about money?

We believe that money is a resource to accomplish God’s mission through us of inviting people to know God, inspiring people to follow Jesus, and involving people to serve our neighbors, both near and far.

Where does Bethany get its money?

It is the financial generosity of members and friends of our congregation that support God’s work in and through Bethany. Our support comes from tithes (giving 10% of one’s earnings) and other such contributions from those who attend Bethany.

Where do my donations to Bethany go?

Donations to Bethany support the General Operating Budget. These funds make possible the ongoing ministries and services of the church, as well as pay for major repairs to our church facility.

Is giving weekly preferred over monthly?

No, but giving on a consistent basis is important. Many pledges are not fulfilled at regular intervals over the course of the year due to sporadic attendance occasioned by busy schedules, illnesses, vacations, and the like. The church’s needs, however, are steady. A consistent giving pattern is important.

If I cannot give financially or want to do more than give, how else can I help?

Just as your financial contributions are important, so too are your prayers and the tithing of your time and talents. See one of our pastors for more ways you can serve.

Does my contribution matter?

Yes, it is important that everyone participate and contribute, regardless of the amount - we are all in this together!

Give online with You can set your giving at regular intervals, or you can give a one-time gift. If you are unfamiliar with online giving, below is an instructional video on how to give using this helpful tool.