To worship together is to respond to God’s mercy together (Romans 12:1). We do that here at Bethany in many ways, but the arts – singing together, visual art, technology, among others – have a special place in both the gathering of our community and its sending on God’s mission in the world. Our goal is to create space for our congregation and guests to experience God together through these arts. Worshipping God together is an invitation to participate in the life of God’s people as God guides us.
Worship Ministries at Bethany

Worship Team
Our Worship Team leads worship through music and singing. We are a multistyle team composed of both “traditional” instrumentation and “modern” instrumentation – we choose not to distinguish ourselves by style, but rather we are one team that utilizes the large variety of preferences in our congregation and community to help people respond to God’s love and mercy in song. This is accomplished through vocals, acoustic and electric guitars, piano, drums, bass guitar, keys, pipe organ, and other instruments. The Worship Team draws music from many styles, from classic hymns by artists such as Charles Wesley, Lina Sandell, Isaac Watts, Martin Luther, the Gaithers, and the Gettys all the way to contemporary Christian artists and worship leaders such as Hillsong United, Elevation Worship and Maverick City, Passion, Bethel, Austin Stone, All Sons & Daughters, and many others.

Worship Choir (Multigenerational)
Our worship choir sings with our worship team as scheduled. Anyone middle school, high school, and adult are welcome to join us. Contact Pastor Chris if you’re interested.
7th – 12th Grade
All of our arts ministries are excellent opportunities for middle and high school students to be involved in music at Bethany. Our students work side-by-side with adults to learn and grow in both their musicianship and in their faith as we lead our congregation to God in worship through music together.
Chamber Music
Different Chamber Music groups are formed at Bethany, on an ad hoc basis.

Our technology team, also known as the Audio / Visual / Lighting (or AVL) Team, serves behind the scenes to make the projection, sound, and broadcasting (live-streaming) environments helpful to our congregation and guests. This team includes our audio team (sound console), our projection team (pro presenter), and our broadcasting team (cameras and video switchers).

The Creative Arts Team is responsible for curating the visual space of our sanctuary and lobby, including our seasonal art shows and other illustrations of a visual nature to help our congregation experience God in fresh and creative ways.